
刊号 刊    名
270B0220 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
270B0236 Review of Economics and Statistics
270X0047 卓越  / Excellence Magazine
291B0004 HR. Magazine(人力资源杂志)
294B0130 Journal of World Business
294B0149 Journal of Marketing Research
294B0160 Journal of Marketing
294B0292 Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications
294B0365 Marketing Management(营销管理)
297B0052 Accounting Review
297B0061 Journal of Accountancy
297B0068 Journal of Accounting Research
297B0104 Accounting Technology
375B0001 American Libraries
375B0002 Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology
375B0008 Information Technology and Libraries
375B0013 Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science(美国信息科学学会通报)
375B0022 Journal of Electronic Resource(电子信息杂志)
380B0006 Review of Educational Research(教育研究评论)
380B0012 Journal of College Science Teaching(大学科学教学杂志)
410C0002 ELT Journal
410C0079 Language Teaching
410C0084 Applied Linguistics
420B0001 American Literature
420B0080 Reader's Digest Condensed Books
510LB054 Fuzzy Sets & Systems
513C0055 Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications
519B0052 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
519LB056 Finite Elements in Analysis & Design
520C0002 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechan
521B0051 Shock and Vibration Digest
525LB053 Theoretical & Applied Fracture Mechanics
529B0001 Applied Mechanics Reviews
529b0002 Journal of Applied Mechanics: Transactions of the ASME
535D0001 日本音响学会志  / Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan
540C0079 Green Chemistry
542B0005 Journal of the Electrochemical Society
710C0116 Environmental Engineering
712B0069 Journal of Advanced Materials
712C0068 Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Material Structures
712D0058 材料科学  / Journal of the Society of Materials Sciety of Japan
712LD002-A Materials Science & Engineering A
715B0007 Journal of the IEST (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology)
715B0084-2 Water Environment Research
715B0086 Environmental Science & Technology
715B0105 Noise Control Engineering Journal
715D0094 骚音制御
730B0001ACI Index to IEEE Publications
730B0001C Computer
730B0001CM IEEE Communications Magazine
730B0001CSM IEEE Control Systems Magazine
730B0001TAC IEEE Trans on Automatic Control
730B0001TC IEEE Trans on Computers
730B0001TCA IEEE Trans on Computer-Aided Design
730B0001TCO IEEE Trans on Communications
730B0001TCS2 IEEE Trans on Circuits & Systems, I.
730B0001TIA IEEE Trans on Industry Applications
730B0001TIE IEEE Trans on Industry Electronics
730B0001TIM IEEE Trans on Instrum & Neas
730B0001TMT IEEE Trans on Microwave Theory & Tech
730B0001TNN IEEE Trans on Neural Networks
730B0001TPE IEEE Trans on Power Electronics
730B0001TRA IEEE Trans on Robotics & Automation
730B0001TSMC IEEE Trans on Systems, Man & Cyb
730B0001TSP IEEE Trans on Signal Processing
730C0004-B IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications
730C0004-E IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques
730C0004-G IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices and Systems
730C0004-I IEE Proceedings-Communications
734B0028 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing
737B0009 Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control: Transactions of the ASME
738B0012 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
738B0100 Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
738C0067 Computer-Aided Design
738LB003 Artificial Intelligence
738X0023 电脑绘图与设计杂志  / CADesigner
740D0001 科学技术文献速报:金属工学  · 矿山工学 · 地
751B0002-1 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy & Meterials Science
751B0014-1A Metals Abstracts
751B0014-1B Metals Abstracts Index
751C0006 Acta Materialia
751C0009 Scripta Materialia
772B0001 Modern Casting
772D0001 铸造工学  / Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society
773B0058 Metal Forming
773D0055 塑性と加工  / Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
777B0003 Welding Journal
777D0001-A 熔接学会志
777D0002 熔接技术  / Welding Technique
778B0003 Corrosion
778B0005 Corrosion Abstracts
780B0002 Mechanical Engineering
780B0006 Machine Design
780B0017 Journal of Mechanical Design: Transactions of the ASME
780C0002-B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
780C0002-C Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part C: Journal of Mechanial Engineering Science
780C0002-E Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
780C0002-F Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
780C0007 Machinery and Sheet Metal Industries
780D0004 机械の研究  / Science of Machine
780D0065 科学技术文献速报:机械工学编
780D0072 三菱重工技报  / Mitsubishi Juko Giho
782B0002 Manufacturing Engineering
782C0002 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
784D0059 油空压技术
798B0133 Precision Engineering
798C0007-A Measurement and Control
810B0005 Chemical Processing
810B0118 Solvent Extraction & Ion Exchange
813C0002 Fuel Cells Bulletin
815B0005 Journal of the American Ceramic Society
860B0002-04 J of Environmental Eng
871B0004 Railway Age
871B0059 International Railway Journal
871C0004 Modern Railways
871C0052 Electric Railway
871C0058 Railway Gazette International
871C0059 Railway Magazine
871D0001 RRR: Railway Research Review
871D0004 铁道と电气技术
871D0062 JREA: Japan Railway Engineers Association
871D0070 Quarterly Report of RTRL (Railway Technical Research Institute)
871D0074 R&M
871D0131 铁道部总研报告:铁道总合技术论文志
871D0133 铁道にぉけゐサィバネティクス利用国内シンポジ
871E0057 ETR: Eisenbahn Technische Rundschau
871E0064 RTR: Railway Technical Review (Text in English)
871LA002 Rail International (English Ed.)
871LB064 Rail Engineering International
871P0017 Вестник  Всероссийсхого  Научно-исследовательсх  и  нститута  железнодорожного  транспорта
873LB055 Vehicle System Dynamics
873LD068 International Journal of Vehicle Design

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